Tuesday, February 25, 2014

The Road Ahead

It's 2014.. How time flew by.. My oh my... How is everyone? I missed all of you and I missed writing.
This year is so full of promises. I promise to constantly blog (daily )if i must, I promise to be nicer,to be kinder (as if i'm not) heheheh. I will also commit to being healthier and slimmer..yahoooooo.

It is always sad to say goodbye to a year that you would never see again. But the new year always brings excitement.It brings hope, new beginnings and a whole new year of endless possibilities. A new year always symbolizes the beginning of  a book with all the pages blank waiting for you to fill each page with memories as days go by.

I am full of optimism and glee and I claim it that this will be the best year of my life. The year where I will finally pursue my passion and be the best at it. The year I will slowly realize all my dreams , one baby step at a time...

And so I urge each and everyone of you to be positive about everything and embrace all that the new year brings : hope, dreams, love and a new beginning to a long long road ahead :)

Enjoy the ride ..just my two cents.. xoxo