Monday, July 10, 2017

The Journey

This was a very difficult move. Painful, heartbreaking, soul tearing. I had to leave family,
friends, and my life, the world I was accustomed to and go on a battlefield where I do not even know my opponents. They say that the most permanent thing in the world is change, and indeed change was what became the starting point of everything.

I started writing this blog years ago… back when I was a sheltered queen. To me life was simply a bed of roses. I had been MIA for a while. The year 2015 was the year that changed it all. It was the most difficult year for me. It was the year I died. Losing a partner for 17 years is for me unmatched amongst all the pain one can ever experience in his lifetime. He was my life…my world.. my King, Paul is irreplaceable. Nobody is. His leaving left me with so many questions. Why? Why me? What now? I was lost.. 

The year went by like a blur. So fast that till now I cannot imagine how I was able to survive it.But they all say Life has to go on. It did for me. I became alive again. I started living again. Then suddenly….I died. Again. The second death was more painful. Betrayal, deceit, lies and abuse. All these added up to wound not totally healed . Again I asked God why? Why me? I never got answers.. I have to figure it out myself…

The road to recovery was long…slow..painful…heartbreaking yet awakening. My death the second time gave me lessons. It made me think a lot about my life, my self and everything that has happened.I have to run.. to seek solace.. to breathe…to find my answers and find myself again.

The first few months of the second rebirth was tougher than the previous. I was alone…lonely…too far from my comfort zone..far away from my kingdom. Yet, I know I had it in me the heart and soul of a warrior. I never quit. I never beg off from a fight… and so I fought.
I am in a better place now . Not in a new kingdom but definitely building my new empire. I was reborn. Along the way I met a King who was lost as well. We were both finding our way now towards that new kingdom. We are both travelling the path , fighting the odds, surviving, looking for answers, but this time I have someone else’s hand to hold..I am not alone..We are both warriors looking for that perfect Kingdom where we can build the new empire and we can finally live happily ever after..

And so my journey continues…

Just my two cents xoxo