Friday, March 25, 2011

Why do I blog?

I started writing back in high school when my greatest desire and ultimate happiness was to get hold of a new title of the "Sweet Dreams" novel. I  remembered saving my allowance to buy a new book a week. yes, I was a geek. and so my, passion for writing forward 2011 where technology changed it all. Gone were the days where pens and journals were every writers greatest companions..

Enter: blogging (just a modernized term for writing if I may say). I write when I'm happy, when I'm sad,angry,frustrated,in love, and all other emotions in between. But if one asks me why I have this penchant for writing , here are my reasons:

   1. I blog to create something meaningful.It would be so easy to come home from work or school and sit in front of the TV all night ( yes i do this oftentimes) . It takes a lot of work ,sacrifice and dedication to have the passion to write. Writing gives me a sense of personal satisfaction knowing I am creating something meaningful and productive with my time and energy.

2. To meet and reach out to people all over the world.The world wide web is such a vast       community and just the idea of reaching out to all these people gives me a sense of euphoria.

3. Blogging allows me to share what I've learned in my own life with others . I am not here to solve every one's problems but to share to people what struggles I've had and comfort them even in my own little way and say "hey , it's ok, I've been through that too."

4. Blogging gives me the opportunity to increase my skills and learn new things. I am a firm believer in continuous education whether formal or informal. I love learning and trying out new things. I believe my writing skills have tremendously improved over the years or I choose to believe so .. hehehe.

 5. To inspire and be inspired. I enjoy reading other peoples blog and learn what they are doing with their lives, things that  I thought were out of reach for me, now seemed absolutely possible.
We will never know what life has in store for us , but until we strive to reach for something, we wouldn't know the possibilities out there.

I just hope my writing will inspire people as much as I have been inspired . I call it the "circle of inspiration"...until then... just my two cents ..xoxo

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