Friday, July 29, 2011

The Art of giving up

Sometimes, one has to give up. It's far easier than to keep trying. At least you convinced yourself that you can still control the situation. However, giving up has it's advantages too.

You feel peaceful. You don't fear failure. You realize things far more clearly than you thought you yourself is capable of. There is a new sense of self-discovery that is so liberating.

I realized, like respect, things like love, affection and understanding cannot be demanded. Sometimes, if you are really lucky, you will get some of these exactly when you need them. and sometimes, as I am sure everyone has felt at some point in their lives, you may cry and complain all you want, but not a thing will budge.

That's when you need to step back, relax and surrender. The situation may not be ideal, but you know for certain, one way or the other, this too shall pass. 
just my two cents...xoxo 

Walking life's road...

In the stillness of the afternoon , amidst the sound of the raindrops outside my window, I wondered how life can be at such pace. Everything in it is so simple, yet the simplicity of it is what makes it so complicated. Oftentimes I wonder what is life really all about? How far has one have to walk this road that seems to have the farthest and the most uncertain end? Just like roads, life has its twists and turns, bumps and curves. 

The walk of life is never meant to be easy but it is also never meant to be too difficult. What life brings to us, is something memorable, worth treasuring. But to some extent, it does not always taste sweet. Balance must exists. Life is not too cruel but it can also be horrible. It does not take much to wound a person's heart. It can offer us simple surprises and sometimes an overflow of good things as well.

This is the walk of life.

Try too hard and we  will end up being  jerks. Give up and we end up asking and being given second chances.So what is the logic behind it?  Perhaps the world has much to learn,we have much to learn. from life. from living and everything else that comes with it.

More than being a walk, it is a journey.. to where? I don't know. Everything is uncertain...

So I say , treasure the moment. Treasure your life and the soul you are meant to be. Maybe then we will understand. But for now, let's  enjoy the walk, the ride, the journey or whatever it is you want to call it.

just my two cents...xoxo

here, there , and everywhere

Time flies when were having fun is really my new mantra these days. I felt like the year just flew by me. Just like that. I know , i know, I have been lazy (guilty!) and neglected this blog for quite sometime now.

So where do I start? What have I been up to lately? Well , I have been doing a lot of travelling these past few months . Mostly in Cebu where I spent 3 weeks last May and another 2 weeks just recently. I was busy preparing for my good friend Rospe's 40th last July 9. The good friend that I was, I gifted her with the giveaways and souvenirs for her purple themed party. The party was a success. it was good to see all those familiar faces, classmates and close friends from high school. Even our class adviser was there..imagine seeing her after like what? 23 years ? As usual , being in the company of friends you've missed so much makes you forget about the time ..hahahah it was really a night to remember. It wasn't perfect though ' coz some people didn't make it that night . I missed seeing one face from the crowd. Don't ask who! enough said.:)

 My stay was extended though when my bestfriend Sonya came from Oz due to a family emergency. And again being the good friend that I was, I just couldn't leave her in times when she needed me. It was tough seeing a friend you care for so much suffer and go through the agony of  fearing losing a loved one. It was devastating to see her crumble in fear and pain. All I could do was hold her hand and comfort her that I will be with her in all these. But of course, we did not forget to do a little r &r on the side amidst the stress ( hey were human we need to de-stress). So we did a little clubbing here, a little drinking there and a weekend in Crimson ...then bam! just like that , vacation time over , I have to go back :(.

With a heavy heart I had to leave Cebu again, my family, my friends and the only place I call home. But on the lighter side of things , i am back with babe and back to the normal stuff I do. I'll be back in Cebu though next week, next month ..who knows? It may be sooner than you thought.  :)

just my two cents...xoxo

falling in love and letting go...

Aaaaah LOVE…I know , I know it’s way too far from Valentines day but isn’t love a universal thing that exists all year round? Such a strong powerful word,easily felt yet difficult to comprehend. It could hit us in  many ways, different forms , at different times and circumstances. Love has been described in a lot of  ways, mostly feelings of euphoria and grandeur. But with love comes the bittersweet  shadow of  pain, hurt and tears.
Falling in love may sound easy but really hard to do. The greatest irony of  love is letting go when you need to hold on and holding on when you need to let go. We lose someone we love only when we are destined to find someone else who can love us even more than we can love ourselves. When you think of your past love, you may view it as a failure. But when you find a new  love, you view the past as a teacher . In the game of  love, it doesn’t really matter who won or who lost. What is important is you know when to hold on and when to let go. You know you really love someone when you want him or her to be happy, even if  his or her happiness means that you’re not part of it. Everything happens for the best. Love strives in hurting. Yes it does…

If you don’t get hurt, you don’t learn how to love. Love is like a knife.(cheesy huh?) It can stab the heart or it can carve wonderful images into the soul that always lasts for a lifetime. Love is supposed to be the most wonderful feeling. It should inspire you and give you joy and strength. But sometimes the things that give you joy can also hurt you in the end.

Loving people means giving them the freedom to choose what they want to be  and where they choose to be.  Loving someone means giving him the freedom to find his way,  whether it leads towards you or away from you. Only love can hurt your heart, fill you with desire and tear you apart. Only love can make you cry and only love knows why.If you’re not ready to cry, if you’re not ready to take the risk, If you’re not ready to feel the pain, then you’re not ready to fall in love.

You fall for someone once in a while for a isn't just random... most of the time, that      person, or at least that relationship, teaches something: to be trusting, to not be trusting, to be loyal, to be caring, to let go, to hold on, to move on, to speak out, to forget, to remember, to hurt and to  heal...or, if you are lucky, to love... and the things we take from those relationships are part of         what makes them all worth while... So let your heart skip a beat, let a swarm of butterflies fly into your stomach, let yourself feel totally and utterly happy.
At least for a moment--- you will LiVe ,  you will maybe LoVe,  and you will  LeaRN…
Life is a never ending journey, a vast world of opportunities, of circumstances.. favorable or not ,we all have to go through it…it’s all a part of the journey we call LIFE.
Just my two cents…xoxo