Tuesday, February 14, 2012


Ahhhhh. the smell of LOVE is in the air.. I can smell it pretty strongly, can you? A day of hearts, of love and lovers and everything else that spells 
L-O-V-E. It's the time of year again where the color Red is the color you see the most everywhere. But I can't help but wonder why do we only emphasize it on the 14th of February? Can we not celebrate love everyday?

I have been married to this man for 14 years. And like most marriages, ours was not perfect. We both have to face the daily struggles of married life, budgeting finances, personal differences, clashing of opinions and so on and so forth , all these makes it all so real. But life marches on, no matter how much we wanna slow down for a while , breathe a little and savor love more often. Our fourteen years have not been an easy ride. Our ability to cope, react and accept each others differences , and faith in what we have  I guess, was what helped us get through some very rocky patches . And in life's bittersweet and ironic way, these rocky patches was what made us stronger and our love to grow deeper.

The kind of love we now have was way much different that the one we had 14 years ago. Ours is now nestled inside a quite confidence and a deeper passion. We still work on our marriage. I believe love requires practice everyday. There will be days that we will connect like two perfectly fitted pieces of a puzzle, yet there will also be days that we will both choose to retreat in our own separate little corners to find the strength to love another day. And being true to the vow we both made fourteen years ago, we will be committed to make it work because we believe we can.

Yes, indeed love is complicated but the simplest way to understand it is to  embrace it and all it's  complexities. There will be more rocky patches ahead, more struggles, more fights and more making -ups but we both know these are all just pit stops to the finish line. Our love may bend at times, but it wont break.

And so I say, celebrate love not just on Valentine's day but everyday. Celebrate love between couples, friends, families and everyone for that matter. Go ahead. Love TODAY.TOMORROW.ALWAYS.

Happy Love Day everyone !!!

Just my two cents...xoxo

Saturday, February 11, 2012

The Day the Earth Moved

Our mother earth is as complex as the universe, so they say. So complex that sometimes or oftentimes things that we have no control of whatsoever happens. I have witnessed a lot of tragedies, calamities in my existence. Some mild to moderate, some really beating us pretty hard. Typhoons, floods were a common thing but earthquakes?  I can barely remember or if there even was , luckily we weren't directly affected.

I am a person of great faith and even in the most crucial times of our lives, I guess our faith is the only thing that we can hold on to. February 6 was just an ordinary day for me. Typical Monday that it was. I was up to do my usual daily chores. Then at around 11:58 am something happened in faraway Cebu that made my world stand still. A 6.9 magnitude quake hit Cebu and most parts of the Visayas. I was numb. My initial reaction was to grab my phone and call my mom but to no avail all I got was "connection failed". I was terrified to my wits and was so worried I couldn't think clearly. Then I got a text message from my sister that they were ok and safe. i have never been scared in my entire life. It pains me to be so far away from my family while something critical was happening. I guess that was the time I prayed the most .

Relief came to me when finally I was able to talk to my mom . They were a little shaken up, panicking but safe. I guess it was another a-ha moment for me. After Ondoy, this event was another realization that indeed life is short and is full of uncertainties. As swiftly as the days pass,  time ticks too. And so I say, live each day as if it were your last. Do things you have long been wanting  to do, value the people you love, waste no time for we never know what the future brings.

Life is  short. Make it count.

Just my two cents...xoxo

It's the LOOOOVEEEE Month :)

It’s February and you know what that means? chalky heart candies with messages on them like “I wuv u”, heart shaped cards, over sized boxes of chocolate, and red decorations everywhere! Yes ,Valentine’s day is coming up, which makes February the month of Love. My eyes will be tired of seeing red again this time of the year. But hey , I'm not complaining. I love Valentines day.

But for me love shouldn't be celebrated only on a day in February, love should be celebrated everyday of the year. Love and all its complexities is everywhere around us : in our homes, workplace, even the streets we live in. Love exists between families, brothers , sisters, friends , neighbors , and of course between couples.

So come on , I encourage everyone to celebrate love, not only on the 14th but everyday. Life is short and we can only live each day once. Go out there, hug a friend, be kind to a stranger, call your family, kiss someone passionately. In any form and in any way you can, show love. Because after all , LOVE is what makes the world go round .

Just my two cents...xoxo