Sunday, August 28, 2011

Random Acts of Kindness

I was in church yesterday hearing mass when something struck me. I was sleepy ( sorry Lord) during the homily, and so to keep my eyes open I decided to do people watching. i enjoy doing this. I have been doing it since I was little, just letting my eyes wander and looking around at people , trying to read minds ( feeling David Blaine) or just merely observing. Then as I was looking around , i can't help but notice little stories around me. There was this little girl around 5 or 6 yrs old although quite naughty teasing her baby brother then grabbed his feeding bottle and fed him. Then there was a man who offered his seat to an old  lady who just came in, a boy around 12 y.o carried his baby brother for his mom and said " ako naman kakarga ma! ".

Scenes like these touch me ..and then I thought wouldn't the world be a much better place if everyone did little acts of random kindness? If little kids can do it, why can't we? I believe kindness is contagious and should be a worldwide epidemic.. I have been offered kindness many times in my life and I guess it is just fair to pay it forward. It is truly a win/win situation. the person you are being kind to benefits through your help while you in return feels good having helped another.

So where do you begin?

To get you started, I have listed 20 ideas below.Put them into practice and also create your own:-
  1. Send someone a hand written note of thanks.
  2. Make a card at home and send it to a friend for no reason.
  3. Buy a lottery ticket for a stranger.
  4. Help an elderly cross the street.
  5. Smile to everyone you meet.
  6. Call a family member and just say I love you.
  7. Give up your seat in the train for somebody not just an elderly person.
  8. Compliment a waiter or a server in the restaurant.
  9. Send someone a small gift anonymously.
  10. Stop and help someone replace their flat tire.( can i really do it? )
  11. Let someone jump the queue at the bank.
  12. Call a friend and tell her/him you miss them.
  13. Treat a friend to the movies for no reason.
  14. Give a huge tip to someone when they least expect it.
  15. Hold the train door open for someone rushing to get in.
  16. Give up your seat for someone, not just an elderly person.
  17. Write notes of appreciation at least once a week.
  18. Talk to a homeless person and have a “normal” conversation.
  19. Pick up some rubbish in the road which would otherwise be lying around.
  20. Compliment a work colleague for their excellence.
And the list goes on and on.. These may be simple acts but will greatly make an impact on somebody else's life. Happy people creates a happy environment, thus a better place to live in for everyone. And remember, you only get what you give. :)

What goes around is sure to come around – happy helping :-)

just my two cents...xoxo

Saturday, August 6, 2011

I call it emptiness

i don’t know what it is. but lately i have this feelings that i can't understand. this feeling that there is so much lacking and so much longing that i don't even know what it is. that feeling between laughing and crying, the feeling of wanting to be with someone but you want to be alone also, the feeling of being  there but not really, the feeling of  longing for the past but you’re excited with the future at the same time. this feeling that you can't even put into words, these feelings that you can't even explain.

And no, this is not depression, actually i can say that i'm okay now, and i'm not sad anymore but i'm not happy either.  i'm not even heartbroken anymore, those broken pieces and pain is now almost healed but at the same time it feels like there is a fresh cut of  blade in your heart. this is not loneliness, this is not anxiety, this is not confusion, this is not nostalgia, this is not insanity either. it is more like the combination of everything that you don't understand.  i call it emptiness, and i don't like it..

just my two cents...xoxo

Friday, August 5, 2011

i love ME

I love you.. i love him.. i love her.. and so on and so forth. These common lines we often hear. But how many of us have heard “I love me”? Rarely huh? In the ever complicated world of love and love affairs, people tend to forget the most essential and the very first relationship one has to ever have. It is with oneself. It has been always said that to be able to love another, one has to love oneself first. How many of us are guilty of not following or applying this rule to our lives?

Many of us when in love, are too carried away to ever think of ourselves first. These attributes , oftentimes, leads to hurting oneself should the relationship fail. You may find yourself loving and living with people who don't honor your love in return. Why is that? Because how can anyone love YOU when YOU don't? Fall in love with yourselves first .Think about what makes you, YOU. Loving oneself means embracing all that you are flaws and all.

I got this from a book I read:

1. Look yourself in the mirror and tell yourself that you love 'you.'
2.Treat yourself the way you would treat a dear friend or a lover.
3. Fall in love with yourself; make a list of all the wonderful qualities that you have.
4. Close your eyes, take deep breaths and then visualize yourself as a small  
  child; hug this child close to you and tell him or her how loved and special they
5. Take yourself on a date. Go to a movie, a drive, a museum.
6. Get to know yourself-spend time with you-not with a crowd.
7. Take time in nature, take walks, start hiking or visiting places you enjoy.
8. Give yourself permission to have fun. Then do something fun!
9. Write yourself a love letter. Go ahead I dare you!
10. Buy yourself a gift, and don't feel guilty about it!

I'm not super hot or gorgeous. I don't have an amazing figure or a flat stomach. I'm far from being considered a model, but I'm ME! I eat food, I have curves, like to wear my pj's, and will go with little or no make up at all. I'm random and crazy, and I don't pretend to be someone that I'm not. I am who I am, love me or not. It won't change ME!!! And before i say i love you to anyone else, 
 I think I deserve to say "i love me" first. Go ahead , do it !

just my two cents...xoxo